Since 2012, Reef Renewal Foundation Bonaire has been dedicated to restoring Bonaire’s coral reefs through innovative coral nurseries and restoration techniques. Guided by our key priorities, we continue to restore multiple coral species, educate people from around the world about how they can help, and use the latest science and research to guide and shape our techniques.
When booking a stay on one of the houseboats you automatically donate €1/person, per night to Reef Renewal Bonaire.
Fragmentation or “coral gardening” is also known as “asexual propagation” because it takes advantage of the asexual reproduction of corals by fragmenting donor colonies. Using this technique, we generate thousands of clonal fragments in off-shore coral nurseries every year, without harvesting the existing coral populations on the reef.
Want to get involved with our foundation and learn about coral reef restoration? There are many ways you can join us and help out. Whether you are interested in getting a glimpse behind the scenes to volunteering on a regular basis - we have got a program just for you!
Finding exactly what we need for our work on Bonaire is often difficult and shipping materials and tools can be expensive. Bringing items and tools from our wish list is a great option to make a tangible difference for Bonaire’s coral reefs!
Have questions or want to know how to get involved? Get in contact: